Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Should English be mandatory at Mexican universities?

Learning a language is not as easy as see life in a crystal ball, it takes a while to learn a language other than mother. And the university is not as easy to learn because of the diversity of materials and times that the student takes as academic load. From my point of view the English language is a necessity of full-time, for this reason I do not think this is a good idea to leave only the responsibility of the language at universities, children to begin their school year in kindergarten, they should start by take this or any other language that in the future will be very useful so parents should establish guidelines which will be governed under which the education of children, on the other hand, teachers should be better able to resolve these situations in school and teach the students better. For this reason we need to rethink the curriculum from the initial levels of education, therefore, it will be easier to adopt another language and improve the quality of education in Mèxico, how many of us are strapped to the hand not knowing another language because of this we lose development opportunities in enterprises. in the youngsters, we are ready to learn everything except the language, consistently lost time and effort because there is no need to use the language, by contrast, a child as a sponge and absorbs everything to get the youngsters to know one language and probably dominate. The university is a good choice but because they leave everything till the end, we must be proactive and carry forward our vision, not just a few years, but a few decades. As well as this, we must inculcate in our children an education in all aspects of their lives proactively pre-empt the future to live a better quality of life.

Or you who believe?.



aidanaylor said...

I agree with you that we should not wait to get to university to study the language, this should be since the school. And you have to study it. However, the problem is that the SEP has not given the importance it has. In addition, the government thinks that as long as we are less educated Mexicans are more easy to manipulate.

Bye, bye!

rodolfo said...

hi Israel: I agree with you about peopole shoul not leave the chance of speaking another language, but I think Universities are risponsible of teaching english even if the students have not taken an english course before beacause that's why they make money out of us, greetings bye.

Bagui said...

Hi Israel!

How are you?

Well, I think you're right with the Universities doesn't have all the responsability, but, I think that sice the beginning of our education, we have to learl our language in a correct way, for that we can learn another language with the correct way.
