Thursday, November 27, 2008

Death Penalty.

The death penalty is a very cruel to prevent crime in some countries where it is regulated, it sets an example for many who try to violate the law in our country by the kind of culture we have, it is almost impossible for someone to have Fear of suffering the consequences, so we Ilust for drug traffickers, who nonetheless appear to take the power of the cartels, living example of how the person is not afraid of being arrested and placed inside a jail or a murderer , Examples of people who commit such injustices and continuing People with this type of behavior. In my opinion legalizing the death penalty is almost become participants of homicide, although the law calls you in another way, I feel that the act with this kind of sentences, makes people lose all or most of the fear of losing their lives, the kidnappers know that if detainees will be in life in jail, in my opinion, this type of behavior is due Much of the lack of job opportunities, poor education, social environments very degrading and especially the lack of desire to develop in any business or profession, therefore we have an enemy in and around the house, the internet, on this site, we can know detailed information of any person and his life and lifestyle, we are easy targets for these people. For this reason, blogging has been left to put information of who you are, you have, where you live, or you spend. In conclusion, the death penalty is and shall remain in the eyes of many, one murder, only with permission of the law, we are not anybody to decide on the life of a human being, I feel that this is a desicion be supreme and above all of us, life is not a gift from a person.

Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Should English be mandatory at Mexican universities?

Learning a language is not as easy as see life in a crystal ball, it takes a while to learn a language other than mother. And the university is not as easy to learn because of the diversity of materials and times that the student takes as academic load. From my point of view the English language is a necessity of full-time, for this reason I do not think this is a good idea to leave only the responsibility of the language at universities, children to begin their school year in kindergarten, they should start by take this or any other language that in the future will be very useful so parents should establish guidelines which will be governed under which the education of children, on the other hand, teachers should be better able to resolve these situations in school and teach the students better. For this reason we need to rethink the curriculum from the initial levels of education, therefore, it will be easier to adopt another language and improve the quality of education in Mèxico, how many of us are strapped to the hand not knowing another language because of this we lose development opportunities in enterprises. in the youngsters, we are ready to learn everything except the language, consistently lost time and effort because there is no need to use the language, by contrast, a child as a sponge and absorbs everything to get the youngsters to know one language and probably dominate. The university is a good choice but because they leave everything till the end, we must be proactive and carry forward our vision, not just a few years, but a few decades. As well as this, we must inculcate in our children an education in all aspects of their lives proactively pre-empt the future to live a better quality of life.

Or you who believe?.


Thursday, November 13, 2008

Can you Guess?

Careful because it could be confused with someone else, jejeje

1.-This woman is considered one of the most beautiful, princess of a great country, his life went smoothly until being involved in a car accident who his life cost pursued by the paparaziz.

2.-Great actor, from humble origins and became a big star of the national cinema, which his fondness for the aviation cost him life as the Interior Minister of our country, and where the people he shouted, toriiito, toriiito.

3.-It is an emblem, an icon, everyone has had one or taxi drivers, graduates, professors of English, assembled in Puebla and in its origins was considered order of the village, which is considered by all as the best in its class.

4.-Is a country in Africa, located in its northeast, and includes the Sinai peninsula (which belongs to the Asian continent). Most of its surface integrating the Sahara Desert, inhabited only around the oasis where are the pyramids and most famous place of great pharaons, is the capital Cairo

5.-Country of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland covering the northern third of the island of Great Britain where bagpipes and men in skirts are a fact that reminds us of the first instant his name.

Friday, November 7, 2008

Scanning to Find Specific Information

I think that this type of tool is very useful when it is going to look at specific data, such as a telephone directory, in some cases it is important to read all the information to know who is talking, or if it is a task of the information of a school or work. In the examples it is difficult to find the appropriate questions, because it is very obvious answer, in general, has always done this activity in our lives, we seek personal data, from where he lives, cost center to belong, we drive bases data on all aspects of our lives, even when making purchases in the super, we look for the number of piece of nrollment to know the price for this. is a quick and accurate way of obtaining information or references that help us in our day to day life. In my work, looking for pieces of data, components or any material that is defective, or for information on technical changes, and the pieces that are affected, just look for the latest issue of the piece, as the former is almost always are the same, and the last identifies the component type.

Tuesday, November 4, 2008

My Poll.
In my poll I try to see things before they happen, how many of us have the initiative to organize our personal things, not so much like clothing or nrollment basic necessities, but our documents more valisos as the birth certificate, writes the house of our bills, this has happened a thousand times over the sad events in our country where natural disasters taken by surprise to our fellow countrymen and they lose everything, if everything. In companies will have first-aid courses, the brigades are organized evacuation, the reunion of insurance, but in our company (the family) do not do these kinds of simulations, we are not prepared for anything, if a scare on the part of Popocatepetl, scared to leave our house and ran like crazy for all sides toward the volcano less. we will see more and more aware of what goes on there day to day. not live thinking of the misfortunes, but if we educate ourselves to know what to do in an emergency, no matter how small it is this. greetings and a very good day.
The skim for gist a great tool¡

Is a very useful tool in cases such as lawyers who need a quick idea of what is presented either in a lecture or a class on a specific topic in, or to make a point of view on topics of relevance to your work . I feel that few of us use this method of reading, no special care to make relevant points and just read for reading. In our country we do not have the habit of reading and I think it would be a good choice for that gradually becomes the habit, and there are methods and academies that aim to teach full pages to read and understand 100% what it says in there to an impressive speed, but very few take these kinds of techniques that really help take our minds agile, because until the mind needs exercise. What most of us read, are the farandula magazines, or newspaper, and only the notes of social and police. we need to take advantage of such tools, as each day, our environment we demand greater capacity and skills in several areas, and to better utilize this method of synthesis of a reading.